How can I get a confirmation for my hotel reservation?
We will contact you twice more once you make your reservation. Your booking confirmation comes first. Your receipt is the second. You'll get a receipt from the hotel outlining any extra costs you could have racked up during your stay when you check out.
Booking Problems
The reservation issue is the main danger when using Gosplitty to book a hotel. Gosplitty occasionally forgets to notify your chosen hotel about your reservation, which might lead to either no reservation or an overbooking for the same room. At times, hotels will resell those visitors who spent the least directly to someone who paid more by "bumping" those visitors who paid the least through an online travel agency like Gosplitty. The hotel staff also deceives the visitor by denying that they have a reservation when they arrive at the resort. On the other hand, since there is no middleman involved when you book directly with the hotel, you won't experience any reservation problems.
The hotel's standards have gotten out of hand.
Another significant danger of making a reservation with Gosplitty or any other online travel agency is that, as a third-party booking service, they have no control over hotel standards. Hence, if you made your reservation with Gosplitty and your hotel does not live up to your expectations or is not precisely as described in the listing, you are helpless. Do not anticipate a refund or any action from Gosplitty when you contact them. The hotel is not directly responsible for your booking, so do not anticipate reimbursements from them either.
It becomes more difficult if something goes wrong.
Gosplitty works out just fine as long as everything goes as planned and you don’t face any issues. Gosplitty, however, might make any hiccups more difficult as he acts as a go-between for you and the hotel. Instead of providing you with direct support, your hotel may advise you to coordinate any issues with Gosplitty. And in exchange, Gosplitty can reverse course and drive the situation back towards the hotel, leaving you in the thick of it all. These are the main dangers and disadvantages of using Gosplitty to book a hotel. But by heeding the advice provided below, you can minimise these problems.
Now that we've established that, let's ask: Is Gosplitty real?
Although there are dangers involved with reserving a hotel through Gosplitty, the site is unquestionably legitimate because it is one of Holisto's most popular businesses. For those who don't know, Holisto is a new online travel agency based on technology that has been operating since 2015. Gosplitty and its parent firm, Holisto, very likely wouldn't still exist today if the service was a hoax. In addition, Holisto has received a total investment of $9.3 million from 11 venture capital firms. If GoSplitty weren't legitimate, why would these capital firms fund its parent business, Holisto? In light of these few key considerations, we are unable to contest the validity of Gosplitty.
For More Info: https://fortyreviews.com/is-gosplitty-legit/